主題:亞洲的商標法律與實務的趨勢Some Trend and Features of Asian Trademark Laws and Practice
地點:台大醫院國際會議中心402CD 廳(台北市中正區徐州路2號)
大師講堂系列講座原則上每2個月辦理一次,每次精心邀請一位商標界實務專家、學者、法官或企業家輪流擔任大師講座。已舉辦有譚璧德律師、賴苡安律師共同主講「國際品牌/商標的限制Brand Restriction經典案例分享」(2020/10/26台北);林洲富法官主講「智慧財產權之損害賠償計算」(2020/12/7台北、2020/12/30台中);許曉芬教授主講「商標戲謔仿作Parody」(2021/2/25台北);熊誦梅律師主講「智慧財產訴訟實務錦囊Tips of Intellectual Property Litigation Practices」(2021/4/12台北);李維心庭長主講「專利商標採對審制訴訟上可能面臨爭議」(2021/10/13台北);劉蓁蓁組長主講「我國商標法理論與實務爭點綜觀」(2021/12/14台北);陳昭華教授主講「商標法及公平法對著名商標與表徵之保護~兼論法院判決案例」(2022/02/23台北);黃銘傑教授主講「不要再混淆誤認『混淆誤認之虞』~著名商標規範的問題提起」(2022/04/19台北);蔡志宏庭長主講「商標保護之終極核心價值」(2022/06/28台北);馮震宇教授主講「美國商標實務對通用名稱之判斷與發展」(2022/08/15台北)
1. Asian Trademark Landscape
1.1. From Counterfeiters to Trademark Users and Promoters
1.2. Making Best Global Brands
2. Still Grappling with “Use” of Trademarks
2.1. Introduction
2.2. Indonesian Courts Applying a Harsh Definition of Right -maintaining Use of Trademark
2.3. Taiwanese Courts Denied Google’s Sale of Other’s Trade mark as Keyword for Search as Trademark Use
3. Protection of Well-known Marks
3.1. Against Registration of Confusingly Similar Trademarks on Similar and Dissimilar Goods or Services
3.2. Against Likelihood of Dilution or Actual Dilution
3.3. Against Unfair Competition
4. Limitations on Trademark Rights
4.1. International Exhaustion
4.2. No Abuse of Trademark Rights
4.3. Fair Use
4.4. New Limitations on Trademark Rights: Compulsory Tradem ark Licensing
5. Infringement and Damages
5.1. In Korea Internet Platforms Are Subject to Secondary L iability
5.2. Measure of Damages
5.3. Unique Defense against Award of Damages
6. What Do Asian Trademark Laws and Regimes Have to Offer?
6.1. A Thriving Trademark Industry
6.2. To Challenge the No Compulsory Trademark License Imper ative
6.3. To Apply Trademark Law in Conformity with the Overall Legal Order